Confidentiality policy
Before registering with oxtratrades.com, the company administration strongly recommends that you read the document below. It describes all the basic rules binding on both parties, rights and obligations, as well as the conditions for the client's interaction with the investment project of oxtratrades.com.
1. All individuals who do not belong to the following categories have the right to create an account within the framework of the oxtratrades.com investment project:
1.1. Minors (in accordance with the legislation of the country of residence);
1.2. Persons recognized as legally incompetent on the basis of a medical certificate;
1.3. The responsibility for making the decision to join the oxtratrades.com project, for all his actions within the project (compliance / non-compliance with the rules, financial transactions, etc.) and their consequences lies entirely with the client.
2. Rights and obligations of the client of the project of the company oxtratrades.com:
2.1. Each client of the project, equally with other similar clients, has the right to use all the services provided to him by the oxtratrades.com project: use a personal account on the project website, invest funds and receive income according to the terms of the investment plan, use bonuses of the project's referral program, contact project support service.
2.2. The client has the right to create and manage accounts within the project. If the project administration establishes the fact that the client will manage several accounts linked by the referral program, then all his accounts will be immediately blocked, and the available funds will be transferred to the company as payment of moral damage for fraud against it.
2.3. The client undertakes to ensure complete confidentiality of any information received from the administration of the company.
2.4. The client undertakes not to disclose his registration data to third parties. In the event that the client provided his access password to third parties, which subsequently led to the hacking of the account and the loss of funds, the responsibility lies only with him.
2.5. The client undertakes to provide reliable protection for his computer, tablet, smartphone and any other device from which he accesses his account. If funds are stolen from a client due to lack of adequate protection, oxtratrades.com is not responsible for this.
2.6. The client independently decides on the choice of an investment plan, the amount invested in the project and is aware that any investment is associated with certain risks, and therefore, for any result, he will not make claims to oxtratrades.com.
2.7. The client is advised to periodically access his account during the period of the investment plan to monitor the security of his account. If you find traces of unauthorized access to your account, financial transactions carried out without your knowledge, etc. immediately contact the support service of the company or directly to the administration.
2.8. The client is obliged to comply with the established rules, regulations and recommendations for the deposit and withdrawal of funds, which are described in his personal account. If these conditions are not met, the Client has no right to make claims and demand material compensation from oxtratrades.com if, due to these conditions, the result of the client's participation in the project does not correspond to the expected result.
3. The client is obliged to comply with the established rules in full. In case of violation of any of the provisions of this document, oxtratrades.com has the right to terminate cooperation with this client unilaterally.
4. oxtratrades.com guarantees its clients the provision of all declared services, in full and in accordance with the specified conditions.
5. oxtratrades.com undertakes to ensure the operability of its investment project, to provide consulting support to the project's clients, to promptly eliminate any technical problems that caused difficulties for the client to work with the project's website.
6. oxtratrades.com guarantees its customers the maximum level of protection of their personal data and investment funds.
7. oxtratrades.com undertakes to ensure complete confidentiality of the client's personal information obtained during registration, as well as for the entire period of the client's participation in the project.
8. In case of revealing the facts of fraud on the part of the client (attempts to hack the accounts of other clients, presenting himself as an employee of oxtratrades.com to attract new customers through the referral program, etc.) or violation of any of the paragraphs of this document, the oxtratrades.com administration has the full right to unilaterally stop providing investment services to this client, block his account (s) without the possibility of returning the funds available on it. In the event of any minor violations on the part of the client or the occurrence of disputable situations, the administration has the right to temporarily block the client's account. In the future, a company representative will contact him to resolve the situation.
9. The administration of the oxtratrades.com project has the right, at its discretion, to change the content of this document without the prior consent of the project clients. Clients will be informed about the planned changes privately or on the project website. The client has the right not to accept innovations, but then he must inform the project support service or directly to the administration. Cooperation with such a client will be terminated by mutual agreement.
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